The project is located in the Life Science City in the Fangqiao block of Fenghua District, Ningbo, within 30km distance from the nearest coastline. It is a land for investment, not only because it’s within the half-hour living circle on the southward development of the city, it’s also a demonstration model of the industry-city integration in Ningbo. Jumping out of all kinds of restrictions, we want to think about the site from a longer time and a broader space dimension in the perspective of modern art. We use the 0.1 second impact between sea water and the mountains as the starting point of design, art as the tool, light and shadow are the main objects and life is the final goal. The design freezes the splintering moment when the sea water hits on the rocks, and the fragments reform a coherent structure (the skin), which solves problems from inside out.
项目名称: 宁波华鸿招商雍璟府
完成年份: 2021.08
景观面积: 4000㎡
项目地点: 浙江省宁波市
Project name: Huahong Zhaoshang Yongjingfu
Completion: 2021.08
Landscape area: 4000㎡
Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China